Attention: This is ONLY for Powerful Brilliant Bada$$ Business Owners who are DONE Playing Small and are ready to  Raise The Bar in life and business:

I'm feeling very generous so I'm giving away 5 free tickets to Game On! LIVE every week until the event!

Enter your name, email address, and phone number to be entered to win!

Enter to win your ticket to Game On! Live



Enter to win a

ticket to Game On Live

The next 5 winners are picked in...

Enter to win a free ticket to Game On! Live Virtual Event!

Chance to Win Your Ticket

I'm feeling generous so I'm going to pick 5 winners at random every week to win a free ticket to The Game On! LIVE Event!

Total Value: $1297

What will we do each day?

Day 1: The first day is all about mindset and deep courage. You'll be trained to completely reconstruct the way you’ve been thinking about getting to the next level. 

Day 2: Learn a simple yet powerful way to build your business that will help you dominate your industry and shift your family’s wealth code for future generations. 

Day 3: Learn how to reach your audience, sell at the highest level, and truly leave a lasting legacy. Prepare to walk out of The Game On Live Event SO ready to tackle your limits, set fire to your fears, and take full ownership of your next level. Prepare to dive into a community Power Players Who Believe in the Possibility of More. Your Life Will Shift In Ways You Never Dreamed Possible!

Game On! Let’s Do This!

More information about…

  • Brought to you by Shameca Tankerson, an Award-Winning Business Coach and Motivational Powerhouse , who will be preparing you to accelerate your business into your next PROFITABLE level of success.
  • Get Ready to Level Up and PLAY BIG!
  • Each day will be jam-packed with trainings and step-by-step plans to guide you and your business
  • With over 20 years and more than $32 million in sales, Shameca is an authority in her field
  • This event is once a year and it's the only event you need to attend this year